Welcome to our website.We are alumni and friends of All SaintsMission School of Mountain Province, Inc.,located in the municipality of Bontoc,Mountain Province, Philippines, nowresiding in the United States and Canada.We have organized ourselves for thepupose of sharing a little of our blessingsto the school children of the folks we leftbehind in Northern Philippines. They arestill categorized among the poorest of thepoor by socio-economic indicators, i. e. percapita income, schools density, literacy,roads accessibility, internet/phone/electricconnections and the like. We believe that the best way for schoolkids of indigenous communities in northernPhilippines to catch up with main streamPhilippine society and the rest of the worldis through a dynamic quality educationcurriculum forged along internationalstandards and the demands of an evergrowing competitive technology-drivenglobal work environment.Our organization, ASMESAF-NA, is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation registered inthe State of New Jersey. ASMESAF-NA isan acronym for “All Saints MissionElementary School Alumni and Friends inNorth America”. Please read more about our school dream,the initiatives we have lined up in effortstowards helping realize the ASMIS schooldream. We hope and pray that our initiatives willbe worthy beneficiaries of your charitabledonations/support. - - - - -Note: ASMIS is the preferred acronym for All SaintsMission School of Mountain Province, Inc. when it gotincorporated to, among others, pave the way for theestablishment of its kindergarten and high schooldepartments . The previous acronym was “ASMES”which stands for All Saints Mission ElementarySchool.