ASMIS Dream Curriculum- In the light of an ever growing competitive technology-driven global economy - Several learning approaches have emerged in responseto the quest of governments and industries obsessed for a competitive edge in the global market of goodsservices and ideas. Among the more popular we readabout are the student-centered learning approach,learning by inquiry, progressive method and a blend ofthe teacher-centered and student-centered learningapproaches. ASMIS and the Philippines’ K-12 program adopted the student-centered learning approach. Viewed in the context of a nation’s or industry’seconomic standpoint, these learning approaches seekto foster the factor-determinants of the competitiveedge equation. These include the following:1. Innate talents of the learner/student. Studentsare endowed with different talents. Some are good inmath and science; some are good in music and thearts; some are good in law. Students/learners who areguided to develop their innate talents to the greatestextent possible are most likely to have greater impactin an industry’s, government ‘s or nation’s quest for acompetitive edge in the global market place of goods,services and ideas. 2. Innovative. Innovations can keep an industry,government, or nation ahead of competitors. That iswhy innovative individuals are prime targets ofmanpower resources development and recruitmentprograms. 3. Results Oriented. Knowledge accumulation isgood; but knowlege application is better. It is theapplication of knowledge that generates and/orimprove a good or service. 4. Team Player or Collaborative. Majority of goodsand services are the product of several individuals, ateam. The better the team play, the better are thechances of out-competing competitiors.5. Digitized Communication Skills. Computers,digital communications and related technology canmake work environments and procedures faster, saferand more economical.6. Sensitive to Cultural, Religious and Environ-mental Concerns. Mega million projects have beentorpedoed by insensitivity to cultural practices,religious beliefs or environmental concerns. Thus,cultural practices, religious beliefs and environmentalconcerns are integral components in feasibility projectstudies or cost-benefit analysis.7. Values Formation. Corruption whether in govern-ment or the private sector is a deterrent to theefficient use of the factors of production. Many timeswe have seen the cost of a project blown touneconomical proportions by greedy individuals. Theseindividuals have become callouse to universal valuessuch as: “Thou shall not steal”; “Do not do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you”. The besthope of regaining and or strengthening values are theyouth. 8. Love of country or ethnic roots. Love of countryor ethnic roots can inspire a people to produce anddefend what is right for themselves. Unpatrioticindividuals are easy prey for subjugation. One who hasno pride for his people will likely hide in the shadowsand not join in efforts to improve their plight.It is our dream that ASMIS will soon be equipped withthe faculty training and facilities for an honest-to-goodness implementation of the student-centeredlearning approach.