VII. The Need for a Science Lab. ASMIS is appealing for support to its plan of providing ascience laboratory for its students. The rationale for a school science laboratory is presentedbelow.Why schools must have science laboratoryequipment*Science is different from any other subject that a studenttakes up in school. This discipline unlike other coursesaffects the lives of each and every person in several ways.From the local weather to the food we eat, and from thesimple electronic devices that we use in our day to daylives to the complex machines and systems, science iseverywhere. Science involves seeing, handling,understanding and manipulating of real objects andmaterials.Teaching science therefore requires a different approach.Schools have to provide opportunities to their students tolearn the various methods and processes. It is found thateducational institutes that combine classroom or textbookteaching with science laboratory experiments are able toderive the best results for their students. Sciencelaboratory equipment and experiments aid in developingscientific learning amongst students, and in cultivatingdeeper and profound interest in the field.This is because the knowledge that one attains inclassrooms and through books is ineffectual withoutunderstanding and learning the methods and processesbehind the same. Science laboratory equipment allowsstudents to utilize the data gathered from the books, aswell from the material world, for developing pragmaticlogic and rationale. Students are made to use the varioustools and experiment with different techniques to improvetheir overall science literacy.Besides offering the hands-on experience, sciencelaboratory equipment teaches students how to make ascientific argument. Conducting experiments, reviewingthem closely, developing logical reasoning, and respondingto analytical comments, are some of the valuable skillsthat help in preparing the next generation of scientists,engineers, and medical professionals.School science lab supplies play an important role in theadvances and technologies being made in the world. Manyof the world famous scientists and researchers developtheir life long interest in science in their school science labonly where they conduct their first science labexperiments. Schools must therefore invest in up-to-dateand highly advanced science laboratory equipment so asto give birth to highly skilled and competent scientific andtechnological labor force and to assure the country of agreat future in the field of medical sciences andtechnological developments.*Source of information: